Like a party guest who insists on staying long after the alcohol is gone, the music is done, and I’ve dozed off on my couch… YouTube, Weather and Stocks should go away from my iPhone if I say so.
But of course, I can’t get rid of them.
Since the launch of the App Store, there’s really no reason for these to live among the “native” iPhone apps like iPod or Safari. There are many would-be YouTubes out there, and many more peers of Yahoo Weather and Yahoo Finance that I might prefer over the ones that Apple has chosen for me.
Sure, I don’t mind if Apple suggests a few apps to me by pre-installing them by default, but there’s really no reason I should be stuck with Yahoo Finance when I’d rather use Bloomberg or Morningstar.
For now, short of jailbreaking my phone, I have to settle for relegating these to the bottom of the list.
But again… why?