For the last couple of months, I’ve been working for Kyte (more on that in a future post), and yesterday we got a nice shout out from backstage at the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, highlighting Kyte’s mobile streaming capabilities. Ever the evangelist, Arianna was pressing Jon Stewart on the question of blogging – specifically, why doesn’t Stewart blog?
His knee-jerk answer was that he has a television show – one that airs daily – that provides an ample outlet for his thoughts. “I don’t have any extra thoughts,” he says.
Of course Stewart’s answer doesn’t satisfy Arianna, and I’m sure she’s right in the sense that Stewart’s fans would eagerly devour all his extra thoughts, spontaneous backstage antics and the rest of the “dreck” (as he refers to it later on the show, with Arianna as his guest).
On the other hand, I understand how someone who writes all day every day for his show would have no energy left over for blogging.
At one point Stewart notices the member of Huffington’s crew using the Nokia N95 8GB to capture the exchange on video, and the conversation turns briefly to online video and “embedding.” Then web analytics, and when Arianna mentions Nielsen ratings, Jon Stewart recognizes commmon ground and asks, “are you sure you’re not TV?”
Here’s Arianna on the actual show: