At the Mexican dinner on Saturday night, I spent some time playing catch with James, the five-year-old son of my colleague Judy. He asked me if I would hang out with him sometime and started to propose a slew of activities – the Fraser Suites playroom, miniature golf, ice cream…
Eventually, he said he’d make a list and call me at 10:30 the next morning. Too much, this kid.
And on Sunday morning, he actually called me.
Judy dropped him off at my place, and we started to chat about what we might do for the rest of the day. It turned out he actually did make a list (with his mom’s help), but he’d left it behind. So of course we had to go get it – after a quick breakfast of beans and rice.
Ad Judy’s place, we consulted his list:
– Breakfast
– Playroom
– Mini Golf
– Lunch
– Ice Cream
I managed to negotiate Mini Golf off the agenda until next week, and we headed to the playroom. We played some video games, built a fort, pretended to fix a car.
Next was lunch and ice cream, but before we headed for home, James wanted to stop at Bread Talk to buy a surprise for his mom and dad. We picked out a few sweets, including a sugar donut, and James gave me the following piece of advice…
If I were to buy a “sugary donut” like that, he said, I should give half of it to my “life”.
“My life?” I asked half innocently. “What do you mean?”
“Like my mom is my dad’s life,” he explained.
“Ah, I see. But what if I don’t have a life?”
“Well, then you should get one. Or else you’ll eat the whole donut and get a belly ache.”
The wisdom of children, indeed…
Welcome back to Singapore!